Emergent Technologies Group Projects

Our Focus is Client Success

Following are selected examples of some recent projects in which Emergent team members have been involved, either as Project Directors, Senior Management, or VP of Field Operations. In all cases, work was completed on time, and on budget.

  • Market Switch Replacement-
    DSC to Northern Telecom Nationwide Verizon switch replacement. Project value was $48 million.
  • Analog to Digital Cell Site Conversion- GTE CDMA deployment in Cincinnati, Seattle, San Diego, Charlotte, Atlanta, Nashville, Raleigh, Charleston. Project value was $71 million.
  • Multistate Civil Construction -
    Project entailed civil construction, installation, and engineering in a multistate 350 site deployment in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi IDEN network. Value of the project was over $80 million.
  • Nationwide VoIP Deployment-
    Comcast nationwide VOIP switch deployment, with a project value of $24 million.
  • LTE/UMTS Deployment -
    Work entailed a $3 million Ericsson Nationwide LTE and UMTS deployment